DMX512 Line Tester Moving Head Light Stage Light DMX Signal Line Fault Test Tool XLR 3 Pin
DMX 512 Cable Signal Tester XLR 3 Pin
DMX512 Light Signal Tester
XLR 3 Pin DMX Cable Tester
DMX512 Cable Tester
When it is found that the DMX LED Lighting signal is blocked and the Light is out of control, unplug the DMX signal cable of the uncontrolled Light, and then plug in the detector. The quality of the cable can be measured through the indicator light of the detector. Even which line has a problem can be displayed through the indicator light.
The light signal detector can only be used to test DMX512 light signals. It cannot be used in audio or lighting consoles, otherwise the detector will be burned out.
Because the signal refresh rate of each lighting console is different, the LED indicator light will flicker, which does not affect the use and is the normal state of the cable tester.
Instructions for Use of the DMX512 Light Signal Tester
1. The DMX512 light signal tester has three lamp beads on it,L1 red, L2 green, L3 blue Correspond to XLR Pin 1 2 And 3
1 . L1, L2 and L3 are all on, indicating all is OK
2. L1 red on, pin 1 no signal or open circuit
3. L2 green on, pin 2 no signal or open circuit
4. L3 blue on, pin 3 no signal or open circuit
5. L1 red and L2 green on, 1 & 2 pin short-circuited
6. L1 red and L3 blue on, 1 & 3 pin short-circuited
7. When the signal of the 2 & 3 pin is short-circuited, the indicator light L2 is green
8. When there is no signal or open circuit for more than 2 pins, all indicators are not illuminated.